Certification Further Bolsters Trustworthiness, Reputation and Innovation of ACS Laboratory
ACS Laboratory, the top-ranking laboratory for precision testing and recipient of the most Emerald Test™ Badges in the country for cannabis testing facilities, announced the Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) approved and certified its laboratory to test final product for medical marijuana treatment centers (MMTCs).
The certification follows the Florida Department of Health’s Emergency Rule 64ER20-1, which states that MMTCs may only use a certified lab to test final product in accordance with certified marijuana testing labs (CMTL) rules. MMTCs have until Dec. 24, 2020 to sell off products tested before June 24, 2020.
As a CTML in Florida, ACS Laboratory meets all requirements in accordance with state Statutes and Department Rules. Among a long list of requirements, these rules mandate that labs are ISO/IEC accredited and qualified to accurately test for contaminants, moisture content, and cannabinoid potency. The certification means all of ACS Laboratory’s lab analysts are well trained and educated on the testing methods they employ. This in-depth certification process proves ACS Laboratory will raise the bar in testing to ensure cannabis patients receive safe, quality products.
“As the first cannabis testing laboratory in Florida, which opened in 2008, we at ACS Laboratory are very pleased to receive this certification by the Florida Department of Health OMMU to test final product for MMTCs,” said Roger Brown, co-founder, CEO and president of ACS Laboratory. “With our vast experience in high complexity laboratory tests, and our proprietary testing methods for cannabis, hemp and all derivatives, we are highly equipped to provide premium third-party testing for MMTCs throughout Florida.”
This medical marijuana certification follows ACS Laboratory’s recent designation by Florida’s Department of Consumer Services (FDACS) as a “designated laboratory” for hemp testing in the state. ACS Laboratory is trusted to test both hemp and medical marijuana with precision for Florida’s consumers and patients. With that, ACS Laboratory can expand on its mission to serve the industry and be The Most Trusted Cannabis and Hemp Laboratory in the USA™.
The focus of ACS Laboratory is to continue to support and enhance the ability for cannabis companies and brands to deliver clean, safe products; and do so in a manner that promotes positive standards throughout the industry.
ACS Laboratory received 21 coveted Emerald Test badges in 2019, the most of any laboratory in the entire U.S. These test badges compare cannabis laboratories’ ability to deliver reliable results, using standards established in the environmental, food, pharmaceutical, water and petrochemical industries.
In spring 2020, ACS Laboratory acquired Botanica Testing, Inc., a certified hemp and CBD testing laboratory, which added 500 new hemp and CBD clients to its existing, and rapidly growing, portfolio. This acquisition increased ACS Laboratory’s customer reach to 44 states throughout the U.S. ACS Laboratory is an ISO17025, AHCA and CLIA accredited laboratory, and is also DEA licensed.
About ACS Laboratory
ACS Laboratory is The Most Trusted Cannabis and Hemp Laboratory in the USA™. Founded in 2008, ACS Laboratory is DEA licensed, AHCA licensed, an ISO17025 accredited and CLIA accredited laboratory with the largest state-of-the-art testing facility in the eastern USA. USDA compliant and officially a “Designated Compliance Laboratory” by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Plant Industry (FDACS/DPI), as well as a "CMTL" (Certified Marijuana Testing Lab) by the Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU). The laboratory uses state-of-the-art, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/MSMS, GC/MS and ICP/MS) technology and has developed proprietary testing methodologies which created enhanced detection ability and improved accuracy.
As an award-winning operation, ACS Laboratory is an industry leader committed to innovation beyond compliance.ACS Laboratory was recently awarded the most Emerald Test™ Badges in the country for cannabis testing facilities, establishing ACS Laboratory as an industry benchmark for accuracy, consistency, and proficiency in testing results.ACS Laboratory is one of the first laboratories to test for CBT, a rising-star cannabinoid as well as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), a class of carcinogenic chemicals sometimes found in extracts.
ACS Laboratory’s 17,500-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is located outside of Tampa, at 721 Cortaro Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573. For more information, visit acslabcannabis.com or call (813) 670-9157.
Watch this video on what ACS Laboratory tests and read its blog for up-to-date information on cannabis science and lab testing for both the hemp and cannabis industries.