Kingsley Nwamah
RiveroMestre LLP is pleased to announce that Kingsley Nwamah has been selected for the 2018 Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s “LCLD” esteemed Pathfinders Program. Nwamah’s practice focuses on complex commercial litigation and white-collar criminal defense.
The goal of the program is to provide "Pathfinders" with practical tools for developing and leveraging internal professional networks through relationship building skills, foundational leadership skills, and an understanding of career development strategies applicable to both in-house and law firm practice.
Nwamah attended law school at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. While in law school, he worked as a judicial intern for the Honorable Judge Jacqueline Hogan Scola, Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida. Nwamah earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Florida International University.
Rivero Mestre, from its offices in Miami and New York, represents clients from investigation to verdict and appeal in complex business disputes in U.S. federal courts, state courts, and domestic and international arbitration proceedings. The firm’s practice focuses primarily on representing corporate and institutional clients in a broad range of complex commercial disputes including financial institution matters, intellectual property disputes, and litigation and arbitration relating to Latin American trade and investment. For more information, visit