Martin O'Malley
Rivada Networks today announced the appointments of former Governors Jeb Bush (R - Florida) and Martin O'Malley (D - Maryland) to its board of directors. The appointments come as the company prepares to unveil its bid to build out FirstNet's nationwide public-safety broadband network.
Governors O'Malley and Bush will support Rivada Networks by providing strategic counsel and guidance, as well as by providing their unique insights into the challenges and needs of America's state governments as they prepare for FirstNet's network rollout.
Rivada's patented Open Access Wireless Market allows for 4G mobile network capacity to be bought and sold in real time and in response to market demand, which results in more efficient use of bandwidth as demand for it continues to grow. By allowing businesses to access wholesale bandwidth through both long-term agreements and open market transactions, Rivada is enabling the advancement of IoT and other innovations while creating new opportunities for institutional investors.
Commenting on the appointments, Rivada Networks Executive Chairman and Co-CEO Declan Ganley said:
"We are delighted to have these two proven leaders join the Rivada team. Their combined experience and record of leadership needs no introduction. Their leadership and wise counsel will help us serve America's First Responders and FirstNet, should we be selected as the winning bidder."
Governor Jeb Bush said:
"Every day, the men and women who serve our nation as first responders save the lives of others with little regard for their own safety. They do so without fanfare or desire for glory. It is our duty, in turn, to protect and guard those men and women with every resource possible. The solution that Rivada Networks developed is both visionary and inspired. As we move forward, I am proud to join the Rivada team and support the communications solution it offers to some of America's most loyal and valuable servants."
Governor Martin O'Malley said:
"Delivering a reliable, secure, resilient, dedicated, and self-financing public safety network is a noble mission worthy of all our efforts. Declan and the team at Rivada Networks have developed a visionary solution that will improve this country's infrastructure and provide our first responders with the vital tools they need to do their jobs. I am honored and proud to serve with, and lend my support to, this team of people and their essential efforts."
About Rivada Networks
Rivada Networks is a leading designer, integrator and operator of wireless, interoperable communications networks. Rivada's technology, Dynamic Spectrum Arbitrage-Tiered Priority Access (DSATPA), allows wireless broadband capacity to be dynamically bought and sold in a fully competitive on demand process to competing commercial entities. DSATPA is a game changer for the way in which spectrum is consumed, maximizing the efficiency of radio spectrum bandwidth and unlocking the potential for more extensive, higher capacity broadband networks.