The coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most disastrous events for the economy ever, already wiping out over 22 million jobs. In response to these record levels of unemployment, the government has issued an unprecedented stimulus package: $2.2 trillion. But despite getting the biggest stimulus ever, Americans are still left questioning whether the government has done enough. It comes as no surprise that 84 percent of Americans want another wave of stimulus checks, according to a recent nationally representative WalletHub survey.
WalletHub’s survey aimed to determine how Americans feel about government aid during the coronavirus crisis, particularly the stimulus package. The survey asked a range of questions on topics including who should get stimulus money, how smoothly the stimulus rollout has gone and whether the actions the government has taken are good enough. Below are additional highlights from WalletHub’s survey, along with a complete description of our methodology.
Key Stats
- Many people are at risk of going broke: Nearly 160 million Americans are less than three months away from running out of money.
- Stimulus checks feed vices: Almost 24 million Americans will buy drugs, alcohol or tobacco with their stimulus money.
- Americans want unemployment insurance to match wages: Around 56 percent of Americans don't think people's unemployment income should be more than their previous income.
- People are generous during the pandemic: A third of Americans say they will donate part of their stimulus money to coronavirus relief.
- The young want checks based on financial impact: Millennials are 25 percent more likely than baby boomers to think that stimulus checks should only be given to people experiencing income loss.
- Americans think non-impacted businesses shouldn’t get aid: 70 percent of Americans believe that government help should only be given to businesses with a revenue loss.