DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- J. Scott Penny, Chief Acquisitions Officer of Brown & Brown, Inc. (NYSE:BRO), and Howard Brinn and Mike Mitchell, the principals of FNI Management Group, today announced that Brown & Brown of Kentucky, Inc., a subsidiary of Brown & Brown, Inc., has acquired substantially all of the assets of FNI.
With over 60 years of combined experience, Howard Brinn and Mike Mitchell have served their dealer clients by providing F&I products and training to enhance dealer financial performance in the Chicagoland market. FNI has annual revenues of approximately $1.5 million. Howard and Mike will become part of the Brown & Brown auto, RV and powersports practice, working with the Automotive Development Group team. The entire practice operates under the leadership of Mike Neal, President of Brown & Brown of Kentucky, Inc.
Mike Neal stated, “Howard and Mike have a wealth of experience in the automotive dealership market in the greater Chicago area. We believe that their F&I experience will further strengthen our Midwest presence when coupled with Joel Kansanback, Bill Kelly and the recently acquired Automotive Development Group team.”
Howard Brinn stated, “I am extremely excited to be joining a world class organization. Mike and I feel that combining our efforts and experience with Brown & Brown-Automotive Development Group will allow us to enhance our service to our dealer partners and continue to grow.”
Brown & Brown, Inc., through its subsidiaries, offers a broad range of insurance products and related services. Additionally, certain Brown & Brown subsidiaries offer a variety of risk management, third-party administration, and other services. Serving business, public entity, individual, trade and professional association clients nationwide, Brown & Brown is ranked by Business Insurance magazine as the United States’ sixth largest independent insurance intermediary. Brown & Brown’s Web address is www.bbinsurance.com.