Jeffrey M. Stamps, R.Ph., President and CEO of Remedi SeniorCare, announces the opening of the company's newest Paxit® pharmacy in Tampa, Florida. With the opening of its most recent location, Remedi SeniorCare is licensed in 30 states and provides institutional pharmacy services to more than half the nation. "Paxit is in high demand among our current and prospective customers, and we continue to expand to support that demand. Remedi SeniorCare remains committed to our customer-focused approach and to expanding our geographic scope as an innovative and technology enabled pharmacy service provider," said Mr. Stamps.
A leading innovator in long-term care pharmacy, Remedi SeniorCare brings cutting-edge technology which is transforming the long-term care service model. As the exclusive provider of the patented Paxit medication administration system, Remedi SeniorCare has a long history of providing cost effective and highly accurate pharmacy medication pass services to long-term care facilities, including skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities. On the assisted living front, Paxit technology is driving the highest penetration levels in the industry, improving quality and continuity of care, which is critically important in electronic health record enabled communities. "Paxit's unique unit-dose packaging, organized by med pass time, increases accuracy, efficiency, and safety in the med pass process, while reducing waste and cost for our skilled nursing and assisted living customers, their residents, and families," noted Mr. Stamps.
The Remedi SeniorCare local management team led by Micah Benford, PharmD, R.Ph., General Manager, and Lindsey Connors, PharmD, Pharmacist-in-Charge, brings deep knowledge of the local market, having serviced the long-term care community for several years. "The combination of known pharmacy leaders and our state-of-the-art technology establishes the perfect platform for serving assisted living communities and skilled nursing facilities in Florida, a state where many of our satisfied customers have encouraged us to enter," said Mr. Benford.
Remedi SeniorCare supports more than 70,000 residents across 30 states and the District of Columbia, with exceptional customer service, its patented Paxit dispensing system, and proprietary MyRemedi® web portal. Through its technology enabled pharmacy services, Remedi SeniorCare allows its customers to achieve higher levels of accuracy and quality in medication delivery, while reducing unnecessary waste and cost.
For more information, visit www.RemediRx.com.