Former Foster Care Child Purchases First Home


Kienisha experienced life in foster care at the age of 15. She lost her father when she was 7 and was a victim of parental kidnapping at the age of 12. She and her 4 younger siblings were moved into state care when she was 15. Kienisha came to Brown’s Harbor when she was 20 years old, finally bringing her younger siblings with her after winning custody for them at the age of 22.

Kienisha recently graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Social Work, sending her on her way to graduate school and she just purchased her first home for her and her siblings. She is a firm believer that “No matter what you have been through, it is up to you to decide where you want life to take you. Your past does not determine your future. With a little motivation and determination, you can do whatever you set your mind to do.”

Kienisha says, “Brown’s Harbor provided me and my siblings a stable place where we felt comfortable to call home. Staff gave me the opportunity to plan the next steps for me and my family by encouraging and rewarding us for completing different milestones in my life. Brown’s Harbor has led me to the road of independence.”

About Brown’s Harbor

Brown’s Harbor, located on the Howard C. Forman Campus in Pembroke Pines, is a unique housing program for transitioning youth ages 18-23. Brown’s Harbor evolved from an extraordinary collaboration of partners all focused on one goal - to help former foster youth bridge the gap from dependence to independence. Benefactors Ashley and Ed Brown and their nonprofit, Selfless Love Foundation, the City of Pembroke Pines, ChildNet, and Children’s Harbor, a nationally accredited nonprofit child welfare agency, came together to provide these youth with beautiful, affordable apartments, on-site support and guidance, and most importantly, a vibrant community where they feel they belong. Visit to learn more.

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