Dr. Thierry Jacquemin, D.O.
American Stem Cell Centers of Excellence, a provider of regenerative medicine solutions devoted to helping patients heal through proven stem cell treatments, has expanded its clinical staff to include Dr. Thierry Jacquemin, D.O. as the Medical Director of its Miami clinic located at 7800 Red Road, Suite 203.
“We truly believe that Dr. Jacquemin is an invaluable addition to the team. His extensive medical background will provide American Stem Cell COE a strong Medical Director with a passion for regenerative medicine. With the anticipated continued growth of these clinics coupled with strong staff and extensive scientific knowledge, American Stem Cell COE can provide cutting edge solutions to every patient in need,” said Joseph DaGrosa, Chairman of the Board of General American Capital Partners, LLC, parent company of American Stem Cell COE.
A graduate of Nova Southeastern University and fluent in five languages, Dr. Jacquemin is a Board Certified internal medicine physician committed to helping patients reach their ultimate health. “I am excited to join American Stem Cell COE in this growing field of regenerative medicine, a discipline that allows patients to achieve their full potential in a natural way,” added Dr. Jacquemin.
American Stem Cell Centers of Excellence provides comprehensive stem cell treatments using innovative technologies and the latest research. After treatment, the body’s own healing potential naturally repairs and regenerates damaged tissue. Stem Cell COE’s team of scientists have pioneered in-clinic regenerative medicine protocols and helped thousands of patients to naturally heal. The company is at the forefront of this innovative technology and will continue to create unique solutions for patients in need. For more information or to make an appointment at its Miami clinic, visit http://www.americanstemcellcoe.com/, email: info@americanstemcellcoe.com or call 786-207-4441.