Byron D. Flagg
Robinson+Cole lawyer Byron D. Flagg has been listed in the 2017 edition of Florida Trend’s Florida Legal Elite™ in the area of Environmental & Land Use. The list of honorees, published in the July issue of Florida Trend magazine, includes lawyers in private practice as well as government and non-profit attorneys. Mr. Flagg is a member of Robinson+Cole’s Real Estate + Development Group where he handles land use and environmental matters.
Mr. Flagg represents businesses, local governments, individuals, and nonprofit organizations that need advice and solutions on matters that include: land use development projects, environmental permitting, zoning, comprehensive planning, homeowner or condominium association issues, commercial lease agreements, real estate transactions, environmental due diligence, variances, special use permits, coastal projects, docks, sovereign submerged lands issues, FEMA floodplain issues, wetland issues, wetland mitigation banks, conservation easements, environmental enforcement and compliance matters, as well as regulation of navigation and boating in state waters. In addition, Mr. Flagg has conducted in-depth legal review and analysis on environmental resource permit applications for several large-scale projects in Florida.
To compile the list, Florida Trend invited all actively practicing Florida lawyers to name the attorneys that they hold in highest regard – lawyers with whom they have personally worked and would recommend to others. The list of top vote-getters was then further examined using membership status and histories provided by the Florida Bar. A panel of previous Legal Elite winners, representing different practice areas in cities across the state, reviewed the selection process and the list of finalists. This year’s list of 1,080 honorees represents just over one percent of the active Florida Bar members who practice in Florida.
About Robinson+Cole
Robinson+Cole is a service mark of Robinson & Cole LLP, an Am Law 200 firm with more than 200 lawyers in nine offices serving regional, national, and international clients, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. For more information, please visit www.rc.com.