Tomorrow, in cities across the country, civil rights, faith groups, immigrant rights leaders, and community activists and leaders will gather as part of a nationwide day of action to respond to Trump's slew of unconstitutional, dangerous, and unconscionable Executive Orders targeting refugees and immigrants.
Participants will be joined by fellow allies in other local events across the country, rallying, marching, and holding mass community gatherings to stand united with those ostracized by the Donald Trump Administration and against the administration's plans for mass deportations, criminalization, hatred, and bans.
As Donald Trump tries to divide the country, allies will remind the nation that We Are All American.
See the list of events HERE.
WHO: Civil rights, faith groups, immigrant rights leaders, and community activists and leaders
WHAT: JummahPrayer, vigils, human chains, and other activities in solidarity with Muslim communities around the noontime prayer, the biggest prayer of the week
WHEN: Friday, February 3, 2017
WHERE: Mosques, city centers, airports across America
About NPNA
The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) harnesses the collective power and resources of the country's 37 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 31 states. Our aim is to achieve a vibrant, just and welcoming democracy for all. Immigrants are the soul of our organization, and immigrant communities inspire, implement and champion our work.