AssistRx (ARx), the leading enterprise technology platform focused on simplifying the patient journey for specialty and highly-managed medications, today announces its acquisition of Caret, and Caret's Care Management Platform. Caret provides healthcare providers, specialty pharmacies, patients, and payers a best-in-class communication platform powered by actionable data such as point-of-service decision making, care management programs and near rea l-time updates on patients. ARx plans to integrate these features into the AssistRx Platform, to enhance the patient journey, drive quality-based healthcare, and improve outcomes.
"Issues with patient adherence cost the healthcare industry an estimated $300 billion each year. Pharmaceutical companies allocate a significant portion of their budgets to finding and implementing solutions that help to overcome these issues," said Edward Hensley, Chief Commercial Officer at AssistRx. "We're always working to enhance our offerings and provide our users with innovative solutions that help drive better patient care. By infusing Caret's services into our technology, we further establish our position as the leading provider of patient-focused technology in specialty, complex and highly-managed care. The Caret platform opens up new and exciting avenues for us, working in both the clinical trial and post FDA approval and commercialization life cycles of a drug."
Caret is a web-based platform created to align, streamline and unite the complex ecosystem of therapy-specific care management. Caret first launched in the oncology specialty area with more than 135 therapy-specific care management plans validated by nationally recognized content experts. The goal of the platform is to improve patient outcomes, build efficiencies and connect parties using actionable information that enhances communication between all members of the care team. Through the acquisition, ARx will expand its offerings and provide users with Caret's proven solutions.
Caret's focus on the user experience is in full alignment with ARx's goals and priorities. Complex care should not translate into complex technology solutions for users. Focusing on the stakeholders that are involved in the patient journey is as important to the solution that provides care for patients and partners. Ensuring that partners in care have solutions that are intuitive and friendly helps keep the focus on the patient.
"Our platform was created to empower healthcare teams and specialty pharmacies with solutions focused on better patient care, improved treatment outcomes and financial stability," said Amy Seung, PharmD, BCOP, Senior Director, Clinical Initiatives of Caret. "Our mission to put patients' needs for streamlined treatment above all else aligns perfectly with AssistRx, and coming together means the solutions we've created can further impact all parties involved in the care journey."
About AssistRx
AssistRx's mission is to connect the patient-centric healthcare team through integrated technology solutions. The AssistRx Platform is a HIPAA compliant, secure, cloud-based platform that allows for the configuration of patient access workflows through its flagship product, iAssist, with acceleration services tailored to the business and therapy needs of specific drugs, and the patients that take those drugs. Using iAssist has proven to accelerate time-to-therapy by reducing the time it takes for patients to get their medications by 45%. AssistRx has built upon the success of the Platform and iAssist with a reporting and analytic platform focused on specialty and highly-managed drug therapies, eInformatix. For additional information, visit www.assistrx.com