“Erotic City: The Legacy of Prince and The Social Dream of Brown and Black Queer Worldmaking” - August 14



The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami (MOCA) will host a closing program and reception for the exhibition, Intersectionality. The exhibitionfeatures work by approximately 50 South Florida artists, as well as key artists who are based outside of South Florida. This exhibition explores the multiplicity of social phenomena that intersect the body, including racism, sexism, homophobia and classism.

The closing reception will feature a musical tribute to Prince by DJ T Lyfe. It will also include an address which will be delivered by Professor Tavia Nyong’o from the New York University Department of Performance Studies.


Sunday, August 14, 2016, 2-4 p.m.


Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami

770 NE 125th Street

North Miami, FL 33161


$5 for MOCA members and North Miami residents

$10 for general public

Free for exhibition artists


To RSVP and purchase tickets visithttp://bit.ly/2aisZ09

For more information, please email mocamembership@northmiamifl.gov or call 305-893-6511.

About Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) is dedicated to making contemporary art accessible to diverse audiences – especially underserved populations – through the collection, preservation and exhibition of the best of contemporary art and its art historical influences. The Museum is located at 770 NE 125th Street, North Miami, FL 33161. It is open Tuesday–Friday from 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday 1–9 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (closed Mondays and major holidays). For more information, visit mocanomi.org or call 305-893-6211.

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