CFP Board Discloses Bankruptcies by CFP Professionals


Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. announces today the names of CFP® professionals who have declared bankruptcy within the last five years and, under rules that took effect July 1, 2012, are not subject to disciplinary procedures but will have their bankruptcy disclosed.

CFP Board does not investigate, and the Disciplinary and Ethics Commission does not adjudicate, matters involving only a single bankruptcy filing. Rather, CFP Board verifies the bankruptcy and notes the bankruptcy filing on the CFP® professional's public profile, which is available through the search functions on CFP Board's website. CFP Board will also share with consumers and other stakeholders who contact CFP Board regarding a CFP® professional's certification status the information in the CFP® professional's public profile, including identifying whether the CFP® professional has filed bankruptcy. All disclosures regarding a bankruptcy filed by a CFP® professional will remain on CFP Board's website for 10 years from the earlier of the date the CFP® professional disclosed the bankruptcy to CFP Board or the date CFP Board became aware of the bankruptcy.

The public may review an individual's bankruptcy information and certification status with CFP Board For more detail regarding a CFP® professional's bankruptcy filing, please visit the U.S. Court's Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) website, which can be found at Please note that you will be required to register and pay a nominal fee to view the information.

This disclosure of these names is made pursuant to CFP Board's rules regarding single-bankruptcy cases and covers the first quarter of 2016. The release of the information below does not constitute discipline of these individuals and is provided only for purposes of providing consumers with adequate information to make an informed decision with regard to engaging a CFP® professional to assist with financial decisions.

Ms. Debi J. Baker, CFP® Tampa FL Personal March 2015
Mr. William H. Barnes, CFP® Durham NC Personal July 2014
Mr. Joseph Andres Chertudi, CFP® Boise ID Personal March 2013
Mr. Patrick Doyle, CFP® Kansas City MO Personal March 2011
Mr. Patricia G. Everett, CFP® Manchester NH Personal October 2015
Mr. Gary A. Hersch, CFP® Woodland Hills CA Personal May 2013
Mr. Charles Thomas Lawson, CFP® San Diego CA Personal January 2016
Mr. James W. Minnery, CFP® Cleveland OH Personal August 2014
Mr. Mason S. Mishcon, CFP® Fort Lauderdale FL Personal September 2015
Mr. Robert J. Palmer, CFP® Los Angeles CA Personal January 2012
Mr. Joe Pires, Jr., CFP® Orlando FL Personal January 2014
Mr. Clark David Randall, CFP® Fort Worth TX Personal November 2015
Ms. Melissa D. Rimsky, CFP® Orlando FL Personal June 2014
Ms. Nancy Roach, CFP® Chicago IL Personal December 2015
Mr. Cyril B. Roseman, Ph.D., CFP® San Diego CA Personal February 2015
Ms. Barbara Eileen Shields, CFP® Fort Worth TX Personal October 2015


The mission of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. is to benefit the public by granting the CFP®certification and upholding it as the recognized standard of excellence for competent and ethical personal financial planning. The Board of Directors, in furthering CFP Board's mission, acts on behalf of the public, CFP®professionals and other stakeholders. CFP Board owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements. CFP Board currently authorizes more than 74,000 individuals to use these marks in the U.S.

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